NOMINATING COMMITTEE and parish profile

Collect for the Call of a New Rector for St. James

O Merciful Lord, Whose wisdom and love are beyond measure: Look graciously on us in the Parish of St. James, Marietta. Guide us as we discern the call of a new rector, the priest, pastor, preacher, teacher, who will invite us to live out the Baptismal Covenant every day of our lives. Through Jesus Christ our Lord who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

View Our Parish Profile

The St. James' Parish Profile is designed to provide clergy considering applying to be our rector with a snapshot of our parish, in conjunction with our much more specifically informative and detailed web site. It is a document required by the Episcopal Church. It was drawn from our Congregational Assessment Tool parish survey, which had an outstandingly impressive participation rate, followed by several weeks of intensive Focus Group discussions with parishioners. From the Parish Profile, readers will get an introduction to St. James' history, location, ministries, activities, circumstances, and people. We hope that these pictures and text will serve to inspire interest in our parish from potential rectors, guided by the Holy Spirit to look with favor upon our beloved parish. 

Download Our Parish Profile

Meet Our Nominating Committee Members

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