Children / Youth Formation

We strive to help children and youth feel comfortable, loved, safe, and valued at church, to teach them about the roots of our faith, prepare them for active participation in a community of faith and worship, and encourage them to live and share the values of our traditions. They are also encouraged to become active members of our parish by serving in worship. 

Whether you are a youth, parent, or member of the congregation, we can use your help! If you're a youth, just show up to one of our events! You are always welcome at St. James. More information can be found by calling Riley Dugan at the church, emailing Riley at, or completing the following form.

Contact us to get involved!

Children's Formation

Children's Church

Every Sunday at the 10:30 service, all children (5th grade and younger) are invited to join us for Children's Church. After the second reading children may follow the banner to our Lawrence Chapel and return during the Peace, joining their families for Holy Eucharist. It's a special time for children to engage with age-appropriate lessons based on the day's readings or the season. Adults are welcome to accompany their child, although the focus is on our young ones.

Nursery Care

Sundays 9:30-12:30

Children of all ages are always welcome in our services. However, recognizing the preferences of some parents and caregivers, we offer childcare during the 10:30 service for children aged 6 and under. Our nursery is conveniently located off the balcony hallway and is staffed by two adults, to ensure a safe and nurturing environment.

Children's Sunday Formation

4yr olds-5th grade

Our aim is to nurture and develop Christian faith, love and service through biblical literacy and Anglican tradition in an environment of trust.

At St. James, children have the opportunity to learn about the Bible, Anglican tradition, and serving others.

Sunday Morning Schedule

9:30am – 10:15am - August through May

Summer Schedule - While children will have a break from Sunday classes this summer, Natalie, our children's coordinator will host arts & crafts at a table in the Parish Hall after the 10:30am service.

More information can be found by calling Natalie Fowler at the church, emailing Natalie directly at, or filling out the form at the bottom of the page.

Children's Choir

Open to children in grades 1-8.

Children's Choir nurtures young voices in a joyful exploration of faith through music. The choir rehearses on Wednesday evenings during the school year and regularly offers selections in worship. St. James is affiliated with the Royal School of Church Music and guides choristers through the "Voice for Life" training program focused on vocal health and music literacy. By singing together, the children develop as musicians, team members, and liturgical leaders.  For more information contact Bryan Black, Director of Music,

Youth Formation

6th grade-12th grade

For most events, we split between grades meaning that middle schoolers are grouped together and high schoolers are grouped together.

Sunday Morning Schedule

9:30am - 10:15am - August through May

Youth Room “Child Hall” 2nd floor

EYC - Episcopal Youth Community

Sunday after the 10:30 service with lunch in the Parish Hall.

Programming begins at 1 p.m. with pick up in the circle lot at 2:30pm.

Our youth group focuses on three things:

  • growth - we want our youth to grow an authentic and educated relationship with God, meaning that we are a scripture based group that looks at what God is saying in the Bible and the real world implications that has for us in today's world.
  • leadership - we want to help our youth find leadership opportunities in our church, our diocese, and the world. This means we are actively looking and searching for ways to plug youth into the life of our congregation, our diocesan events, and our community.
  • community - we want our youth to know that the Church and God will always accept them and welcome them. When a young person comes to St. James, we want them to know that they will be accepted for who they are and wherever they are on their journey with Christ.

  • Our Youth also participate in programs with the Episcopal Youth Community of the Diocese of Atlanta such as Happening, New Beginnings, Diocesan Youth Commission and the Hunger walk. Most of these events happen at Camp Mikell and other areas outside of St. James. 2025 Details can be found here:

2025  Spring / Summer Calendar

Details are out for the summer programs at Camp Mikell in 2025!

Mini Camp May 23 - 25, rising 1st and 2nd Graders with parent or guardian 

Youth Camp June 1 - 7, rising 10th Graders-Just Graduated

Performing Arts Camp June 8 - 14, rising 4th-9th Graders

Intermediate Camp June 21 - 27, rising 8th and 9th Graders

Junior Camp June 29 - July 5, rising 6th and 7th Graders

Kid Camp July 13 - 19, rising 3rd-5th Graders

Work Camp July 21 - 27, rising 10th Graders-Just Graduated

For information, click here.

Vacation Bible School (VBS) “The Castle of Courage” – June 9- 13, 2025 for Children and Teens!

"The Castle of Courage"  is our 2025 theme for Vacation Bible School. Riley Dugan and Natalie Fowler will lead an enthusiastic class of  kids who will meet King Ardor and the members of his kingdom, including the famous Knights of the Oval Table. These mighty warriors will teach the children that true courage – the kind that helps us face whatever comes our way – comes from trusting God."

Riley Dugan, Youth Director,

Natalie Fowler, Children's Ministries Coordinator, 

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