Liturgy in the Episcopal Church is our structured form of public worship, encompassing rites and ceremonies that blend ancient tradition with modern expression, all designed to facilitate communal and individual encounters with God. At St. James, liturgy—meaning “the work of the people”—comes alive through congregational participation. Many liturgical roles are filled by laypeople, whose ministry actions reflect the faith and commitment of our worship community.

During our worship services, we encounter God, who shapes us into vessels of divine love. Serving in worship ministries not only helps others experience the presence of God but also draws you closer to God in your worship.  These ministries make important contributions to our worship life together. We invite you to explore all of our worship ministry options to decide where your gifts and talents can be used. By being intimately involved in the worship experience, you can grow in both service and faith. 

Contact us to get involved!

Worship Server Teams


An acolyte is to assist the celebrant (the priest in charge of a worship service) and enhances the worship service to help glorify God. You are a minister of the church who is called to serve God. Therefore, every action you take should be done respectfully and in a dignified manner; the goal is for the attention of the congregation to be on the liturgy and not on the ministers. Serving as an acolyte is a commitment of your time and talent to the Lord’s service.

Chalice Bearers / Lay Eucharistic Ministers

The role of Chalice Bearers / Lay Eucharist Ministers (LEMs) is one of service and ministry within the church,  and individuals who serve in this capacity often undergo training and discernment before being licensed by the diocese. In the Episcopal Church, these laypersons assist the clergy during the celebration of the Holy Eucharist (also known as the Holy Communion or the Lord's Supper). Chalice bearers have specific duties related to the administration of the Eucharist, such as assisting with the  distribution of consecrated wine (the Blood of Christ) during the Eucharistic service. Chalice Bearers /  LEMs undergo training and are licensed by their bishop to perform this role. This ministry is an important part of the sacramental life of the St. James Church, helping to facilitate the distribution of wine during the celebration of the Eucharist. 

Lay Worship Leader

A Lay Worship Leader in the Episcopal Church is a member of the congregation who is trained and licensed by the church to lead certain aspects of worship services in the absence of a priest or deacon. Generally, they may lead prayers, read scripture, give homilies or reflections, and assist with the distribution of communion. To become a Lay Worship Leader in the Episcopal Church, individuals typically undergo training provided by the church, which may include theological education, liturgical instruction, and practical guidance on leading worship. After completing the training program, candidates may be licensed by their diocese to serve in this capacity. While Lay Worship Leaders play an important role in facilitating worship experiences for their congregations, it's essential to note that they do not perform sacramental functions reserved for ordained clergy. Instead, their role is to support the community's worship life under the guidance and supervision of ordained clergy.

Lectors and Lay Readers

At St. James lectors / lay readers play important roles in the worship service, particularly during the liturgy of the Word. They are individuals who are tasked with reading aloud the appointed lessons from the Bible during the worship service. These readings often include passages from the Old  Testament, Psalms, and the New Testament including the Epistles. Lectors / lay readers are responsible for delivering these readings clearly and reverently to the congregation. Individuals serving in these roles are trained to understand the significance of the readings and to deliver them in a manner that enhances the worship experience for the congregation.

Sterling Estates Worship Ministry

St. James celebrates Eucharist once per month at Sterling Estates of West Cobb Senior Living  Community.


Vergers assist in worship services by ensuring smooth, orderly proceedings. Dressed in distinctive robes, they prepare the sanctuary, lead processions, and support clergy and laity. Their dedication enhances the worship experience, blending tradition with attentive service. 

Worship Support Teams

Altar Guild

The Altar Guild is a group within St. James Church that is responsible for caring for the altar,  vestments, vessels, and other items used in worship services. Their responsibilities typically include preparing the altar for Holy Communion, arranging flowers, laundering linens, and maintaining the sacred vessels. Members of the Altar Guild often work quietly behind the scenes to ensure that the worship space is properly prepared and reverently maintained for the celebration of the Eucharist and other sacraments. They may also assist clergy with various tasks related to worship and may participate in other ministries within the church community. The Altar Guild plays an important role in supporting the liturgical life of the Episcopal Church. 

Broadcasting / Audio Visual

Broadcasting St. James’ church services aims to extend the reach of worship beyond the physical confines of our church building, allowing people to participate in communal worship experiences regardless of their location and circumstances Sunday services are streamed live over various platforms such as our church's website and social media channels like Facebook and YouTube. We share prayers, hymns, scripture readings, a sermon, and other elements of our Episcopal liturgy. Broadcasting services online is a way to engage with a broader community beyond the physical congregation and serve our members who are unable to attend in person.

Flower Guild

The mission of the Flower Guild is to enhance the worship service and glorify God with thanksgiving by sharing His bounty of beautiful flowers to adorn the sanctuary. Weekly: The generosity of the congregation allows for fresh flowers to be placed in the sanctuary every Sunday through their dedications and donations. To dedicate altar flowers for future services, sign the book in the narthex on a table near the double doors. These flowers are provided by K Mike Whittle Designs. Special Occasions: The flower guild flowers the church with yard greens, yard flowers, and purchased flowers - Lenten sticks and Easter flowers - St. James Day flowers - Advent greens, Christmas flowers through Epiphany Members plan the designs, prepare and arrange the flowers, clean up and construct arrangements to be taken to shut-ins by the Flower Delivery team. No flower arranging experience is needed ... just a desire to beautify the sanctuary, a willingness to learn, and a desire for joyful fellowship.

Guild of the Christ Child

The Guild of the Christ Child is a service-oriented organization within the Episcopal Church whose origins can be traced back to the early 20th century. St. James’ Guild of the Christ Child promotes the welfare of families, their children, and individuals in preparation for and during the Sacrament of Baptism.


An usher welcomes congregants, distributes service bulletins, and assists with seating. They facilitate the offertory, guide communion lines, and provide aid during emergencies. Ushers ensure the smooth flow of worship services, creating a hospitable and orderly environment for all attendees. Their role is vital for maintaining church decorum.

Worship Committee

The Worship Committee plans and prepares for all worship services at St. James. The Worship Committee is chaired by the Rector and is made up of all clergy, the Director of Music, and all coordinators of the groups that must participate for St. James to conduct a worship service, including vergers, lay eucharistic ministers, lay eucharistic visitors, lectors/intercessors, acolytes, altar guild, flower guild, audio-visual crew, and ushers.

Singing and Ringing at St. James!

Children's Choir

Open to children in grades 1-8.

Wednesday, 6:30 to 7:00 pm during school year.

Children's Choir nurtures young voices in a joyful exploration of faith through music. The choir rehearses on Wednesday evenings during the school year and regularly offers selections in worship. St. James is affiliated with the Royal School of Church Music and guides choristers through the "Voice for Life" training program focused on vocal health and music literacy. By singing together, the children develop as musicians, team members, and liturgical leaders.

Adult Choir

Wednesdays, 7:30 pm.

"The Music Ministry thrives on members committed to musicking together as God’s Kingdom fills the earth in unexpected ways and teaches us to live hopefully in the abundance of God’s provision. I  hope you will find your voice and join the song." - Dr. Bryan Black 

Handbell Choir

Mondays, 6:00 pm during the school year.

The St. James Handbell Choir contributes a unique musical dimension to the congregation's worship. Anyone with a basic grasp of music notation can join this lively group of ringers and enjoy playing the three-octave set of Schulmerich bells. The choir appears regularly in services.

Tower Bell Change Ringers

Mondays, 7:00 to 8:30 pm and

Saturdays, 10:00am to 11:30am.

The St James Episcopal Church Tower Bell Change Ringers uphold a historic tradition, creating intricate musical patterns with their ringing. Open to enthusiasts, middle school age and up, for all skill levels, the group practices regularly and rings for services and special events. Join us to learn,  preserve, and celebrate this unique form of musical artistry. For more info about Change Ringing - see the North American Guild of Change Ringers.

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