Facility Use Information

Facility use – In General

The grounds and buildings of St James Episcopal Church are first and foremost for church use, that is, worship services, sacraments, worship related music, Christian Education for all ages, meetings of the parish, meetings of the Vestry, meetings of church committees and guilds and groups, church-sponsored organizations, fellowship and recreation in keeping with our tradition as Episcopalians and members of the Anglican Communion.
Religious services always have priority. Activities or meetings generally will not be scheduled in conflict with scheduled religious services.
The nave and sanctuary are considered holy space. The nave and sanctuary are set aside for worship. These areas are to be treated accordingly. Except in unusual circumstances, the nave will not be used for meetings or purposes other than worship, or approved music programs and recitals, or music practice.
It is the mission of this church to encourage and support many community activities and ministries.
St. James welcomes the appropriate use of church facilities for development of and in promotion of community spiritual, social and communal growth.

The following are not permitted on church grounds or in church facilities or church parking areas:

  • Political meetings, political discussions, political fundraisers, political organizing meetings, etc.;
  • Private fundraisers unconnected with the church or church ministries;
  • Sales presentations and solicitations to parishioners or others;
  • Private business initiatives, enterprises or offices;
  • Church services or meetings of other churches or denominations (except as permitted by the Rector)
  • Skateboarding, roller skating, roller blading, cycling, launching of rockets and drones,
  • Overnight parking or camping, storage of trailers or containers or vehicles, and loitering;
  • Weapons or firearms except in the possession of properly uniformed or credentialed law enforcement personnel on duty.
Church members and church-related organizations are required to comply with the General Policies and Rules for use of church facilities and property. Other individuals or groups or organizations that may be granted permission to use church facilities and property must comply with the General Policies and Rules and also any directives or limitations specifically relating to that use.
"Church members" for purposes of use of church facilities are those individuals and families who are "members in good standing" as that term is defined in the Canons of the Episcopal Church. A "member in good standing" is one who i) is listed on the rolls as a baptized and confirmed member of St. James Episcopal Church, and ii) is known to the Rector to have received Holy Communion at least three times in the past year, and iii) is known to the Rector and the Treasurer as a contributor of record to the general operating fund of the church – meaning in almost all cases that the individual has made and contributed toward a pledge of financial support to the general operating fund of St. James.
Final decisions regarding facility use are solely within the Rector's discretion, pursuant to the Canons of the Episcopal Church.
General Policies and Rules:
Scheduling must be requested and approved through the church office.
Meeting space and church facilities may not be available if not approved through the church office.
Use may be denied without explanation and without recourse.
St. James Facility Use Rules (a separate document available in the church office) must be signed by all who are not members in good standing and by representatives of all non-church related organizations or entities. 
Furniture, furnishings, and equipment may not be borrowed or removed for private or non-church use.
Doors will be locked and unlocked by Vergers of St. James; groups or individuals not connected with St. James will be required to compensate the Verger or Vergers for their time.
Meetings at which food and beverages (other than water, tea, soft drinks, or coffee) are permitted must be scheduled for the Parish Hall; the intention is not to allow food in the church other than in the Parish Hall, or the downstairs theater area as may be specifically approved on occasion. 
Meeting spaces are to be left clean and tidy and undamaged. Regardless of the condition in which users find church facilities, users are expected to leave church facilities and grounds clean, free of debris and litter, and in good order. Any and all damage to furniture, furnishings, signage, lighting fixtures, equipment, rooms, walls, facilities and grounds from any cause whatsoever will be the responsibility of the user. All room lights are to be turned off and the doors closed at departure.
The electronic equipment of the church (especially televisions, projectors, sound systems, video equipment and the like) may not be used without prior permission and either an approved operator or training as determined by the church office.
Users of church facilities and grounds are responsible for loss, damage or theft. St. James assumes no responsibility for property brought into its facilities or onto its grounds. St. James is not responsible for the theft, damage or loss, nor liability or loss from any accident or personal injury occurring to individuals while using church facilities or on church grounds.
Kitchen facilities may be used only by pre-approved ministries, church organizations, individuals, and caterers. In all cases, Kitchen Use Rules must be followed.
All decorations, signs and on-site publicity inside and outside the church must be approved in advance through by the church office.
Nothing whatsoever may be taped, nailed, stapled, tacked, hooked, temporarily connected (including removable hooks) or otherwise affixed to walls, ceilings, doors, painted surfaces, columns, furniture, pews, podiums, drapes, fabric or surfaces in the interior or exterior of the church buildings.
Smoking is prohibited in all buildings, doorways, and entryways. Smoking is allowed only in designated areas (designated and approved by the church office in advance).
The serving and consumption of alcohol on church grounds or in church buildings is permitted only by express prior permission from the Rector (or the Rector and Vestry). Approval normally requires a minimum of one month's notice because the Vestry meets once each month. The serving of alcoholic beverages also must comply with diocesan and national church requirements including the requirement of "like quantity and quality" of alternative non-alcoholic beverages.
Events consisting of more than 75 people at which alcoholic beverages are served must be staffed by one or more off-duty Marietta or Cobb County Police Officers.
Users are responsible for seeing that catering, beverage, and other contractors are properly licensed and insured and agree to indemnify and hold harmless St. James accordingly.
Nursery space, nursery workers, and childcare are not be provided by St. James, except in conjunction with St. James events as coordinated by and through the Director of Christian Education or the Rector.
Events are expected to conclude by 10 pm Sunday through Thursday. Events are expected to conclude and the building must be completely vacated before midnight Friday and Saturday.

Compliance with all municipal, fire department, regulatory and safety rules and regulations is absolutely required.

Users are responsible for maintaining order and decorum and are responsible for the behavior of all guests while on church premises.

All users are requested to respect the spirit of reverence which characterizes the church and our tradition, to respected spiritual activities that may be taking place in other areas of the church (such as prayer, silent retreats, counseling, and other group meetings).

All users are asked to cooperate in maintaining the beauty and dignity of St. James.
Fees - Facility Use in General – please contact the church office for additional information from the clergy.

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