Pastoral Care

We strive to seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving our neighbors as ourselves. Partnering with our clergy, our church members care for one another through life’s ups and downs, embodying the unity of the Body of Christ. 

Learn how you can provide care to those in our community and make a personal impact in the lives of those we serve. The need is always greater than our reach. We welcome you to join us. As the motto of Daughters of the King states, "I am but one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something."

Let us know how we can help you get involved!

Contact us to get involved!

Congregational Care

Our Congregational Care teams provide support to our community members navigating life events and health challenges. The core team organizes prayer requests and coordinates services to address parishioners' needs, including home communion with Lay Eucharist Visitors, phone calls, cards of encouragement, short-term meal support, thank-you notes for memorial gifts, and funeral assistance. We welcome you to join any one of these ministries.

Flower Delivery

The beautiful altar flowers from our services are not discarded. Instead, they are delivered to shut-ins, care facilities, and parish members who are ill or hospitalized. This sharing brings joy and a piece of our liturgy to those who cannot join us in person. Our dedicated volunteers bring these Blooms to Rooms, along with smiles and visits, spreading love and cheer.

Card Ministry

This ministry ensures that church members who cannot attend services regularly due to illness or transportation issues are not forgotten. Our parishioners send cards routinely to maintain contact and offer reassurance to these individuals.

Lay Eucharist Visitors

Lay Eucharistic Visitors (LEVs) go in pairs and take Communion to members unable to attend St. James. Visits may be to homes or facilities. Most visits last around 30 to 45 minutes. We spend time in friendly conversation with the individual and anyone else there  before the simple Eucharist service, using already consecrated elements.

Meal Ministry

Our Meal Ministry provides meals during short-term times of bereavement, illness, births, and other significant life events.

Prayer Team

The Congregational Care Committee maintains a list of requested prayers. This list includes those who are ill with new or recent concerns, those who have long term concerns, those who have died, families of the deceased, and thanksgivings. Prayer requests are shared with the Prayer Team for inclusion in their private, regular prayers.

Health Ministry

This group is newly formed and currently crafting their mission.

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